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GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie Lyr Req: Gypsy Fiddler / Gipsy Fiddler (Fred Rooke (7) Lyr Req: The Gypsy Fiddler 18 Jun 09

Does anyone have the lyrics to a song Johnny Collins recorded on his album 'Johnny's Private Army' I believe it was called 'The Gypsy Fiddler'. I used to have the album but sold it to a Norwegian collector some years ago and never wrote the words down while I had it. I've had a look on Mudcat but it doesn't seem to be in there. I doubt it was traditional and would like to know who wrote it. As far as I can remember the song is about a farmer who asks a gypsy to play at his daughters wedding, then refuses to pay him, so the gypsy takes a witty revenge.
It was a damned good album that one, pity I sold the bugger!

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