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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bizibod BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009 (133* d) RE: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009 18 Jun 09

I'm liking the idea of loose time SRS .........sounds like it could be really useful!

Inspired by all of youse efforts, I'm having a yard sale myself this weekend- I am d-row-n-i-ng in STUFF !!!
The more I look around the more I think I see stuff I really don't want/need/care about anymore- and what's more I AM NOT going to take in any more unloved/unwanted stuff of anybody else's just because I feel sorry for it- what was I thinking of ?!

This weekend could be the making of me!

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