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JeremyC Can someone explain bar (tavern) music to me? (74* d) RE: Can someone explain bar music to me? 20 Jul 09

DW - Thanks for the comments. Earlier today I was looking at your youtube channel, and I think your cover of "I'm Your Man" is fantastic.

I think in my case, they were expecting something/someone different, especially since the person who booked me didn't listen to the demo I gave her. A half hour or so after I started, I had the general manager of the place come up and say that I had to start playing stuff that was upbeat and loud, and play with "confidence" (which to him meant turn up the volume knob, because after I did so, I had more confidence according to him), and basically rattled me. Anyway, the people there just didn't seem interested for the most part, and what's funny was, once I changed my setlist, the people who HAD been listening left. But hey, the manager was happy.

I've been playing out for maybe a month or so, so I have next to no experience, and I'm having to go by what I can figure out, or what I read online. A big part of it is probably that I should loosen up. It's hard not to be self-conscious in front of any audience, much less an apparently indifferent one.

Eric - I do know some pretty obscene songs; maybe I should have come out with those as well!

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