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Rana who SHOULD be working Blues catalyst for UK fans (18) RE: Blues catalyst for UK fans 31 Jul 00

Been on a nostalgia trip in the past while by buying stuff from the early 70's. Bought a Famaily album + Free live. I didn't realise (or just forgot) that Alexis Korner was involved and helped Free come about. It is also good to see Peter Green's name re-emerging - that was Fleetwood Mac as far as I'm concerned. It seems strange that the likes of original Mac and Chicken Shack produced the commercial entity Fleetwood Mac - though one shouldn't knock there success.

By the way Roger, what do you think of the Skiffle sessions (Donegan, Barber and Morrison)? I think it's great fun (and they are having a good time) though reviews over here seems to pan it.


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