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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Chris J Brady Viral Video Clip Against Govt. Licensing (2) Viral Video Clip Against Govt. Licensing 30 Jul 09

Remember the folk singer whose guitar was trashed by Untied Airlines?

He wrote a song about it which went viral on YouTube and reportedly
affected UA's share price.

The previous petition about the crazy legislation against English folk performing live music, song &/or dance reached 80,000 sigs; which the Government in its usual arrogance ignored.

Now there is another petition which will hopefully exceed that no.

However there must surely be someone, a duo (two in a bar?), or a
group, whatever, in that 80,000 who could write a song with a catchy
tune or even a 'Les Barker-type' parody about the Govt making folk
singing, music, dancing, etc., illegal in England.

If uploaded to enough video clip websites it could go viral like the
Untied Airlines one did, whilst at the same time drawing atention to
the new petition.

Just an idea - Chris B.

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