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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr Req: Merry Minuet (from Kingston Trio) (4) Lyr Add: MERRY MINUET (Sheldon Harnick) 02 Mar 97

The song you're looking for is the "Merry Little Minuet" by Sheldon Harnick. It has an intro that I don't believe the Kingston Trio sang:

There are days in my life when everything is dreary
I grow pessimistic, sad, and world-weary.
But when I am tearful and fearfully upset,
I always sing this merry minuet.
They're rioting in Africa (whistle)
They're starving in Spain (whistle)
There's hurricanes in Florida (you get the picture)
And Texas needs rain.
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles.
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch
And I don't like anybody very much.
In far away Siberia, they freeze by the score.
An avalanche in Switzerland just got fifteen more.
But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud,
For man's been endowed with a mushroom shaped cloud
And we know for certain that some lovely day'
Someone will set the spark off

And we will all be blown away.
They're rioting in Africa,
There's strife in Iran.
What nature doesn't do to us
Will be done by our fellow man.

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