We played tig, and then you had bagsie which was "safe" and then you had out which was when you joined the person who was "it" and had to help them tig people, out was usually when you'd been tigged a few times ... conjugate the verb to tig! We also had "can't tig the butcher back" meaning if you've jsut tigged or tug someone they can't instantly tig you back and therefore must find someone else to tig, therefore it's a three or more person game. :) We also had the old man on the hill game, where one of us would be the old man (or woman), then the rest of us would each have a number, and then we'd creep towards them (the "old man" would have his/her back facing us) and they'd count and turn on which ever number they liked, the person moving still would have to go back 10 paces. Anyway, say that person was number 5, the old man would turn back round and count to five (at any speed) and then turn again ... and it's the first one to tig the old man that wins.