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GUEST,Lucy WHITBY Folk Week - the small print (127* d) RE: WHITBY Folk Week - the small print 04 Sep 09

Oops, that got sent before i'd finished. What i was saying was:

As a member of the "wrong-making" Wright Family refered to earlier by Les B i'd just like to apologise whole-heartedly if our being missed from the programme caused anyone else any embarrassment.

As new-comers to the festival we were a bit disappointed to get left out but also sort of hoped that it might mean we might get a few more "accidental" listeners! I know jews harps aren't everyone's cup of tea, but we also sing a bit and you know, at least it's something a bit different!

That's one of the things i love about Whitby - when you come across new and interesting things as well as old favourites.

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