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TonyA Have anti-war songs changed anything? (108* d) RE: Have anti-war songs changed anything? 17 Sep 09

quote: Afraid sometimes the other guy starts something that has to be responded to.

Thank you, M, for the perfect illustration of the point I made earlier:
...very few people are actually pro-war. Most have been led to believe that war has been thrust upon them by an implacable aggressor, leaving them no choice.

You're willing to support armed aggression as long as the imperialists tell you they have a good reason for it, to stop a bully or a terrorist for example, and you don't notice that all the places where these bullies and terrorists live happen to be rich with oil fields not under US control and/or along essential pipeline routes from the Caspian Sea.

I wasn't around 70 years ago, but I doubt that things were much different then, as suggested in this article.

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