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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
iancarterb Charley Noble Off to the Pacific NW (85* d) RE: Charley Noble Off to the Pacific NW 19 Sep 09

Charley- Hope you had a fine night at Hendrickson House, an excellent venue, and that ChanteyMatt did in fact make it (and Genie). Matt and I shared much music over the water on the BI ferry before he moved from Bainbridge Island onto his beautiful old boat moored near the Fremont Troll. Doesn't look like Victoria will work out either- various difficulties. Are you taking the Coho from Port Angeles or the WSF Anacortes to Sidney ferry? Of course, the BC ferries have a few nice ways of getting there too- so many boats, so little time! Have a continuing good time, and maybe some year I will make third Saturday at the Press Room.
Fair winds - Carter

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