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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
iancarterb Charley Noble Off to the Pacific NW (85* d) RE: Charley Noble Off to the Pacific NW 24 Sep 09

The Bent Mast IS a good pub: good pub food, good draft, open late, and very encouraging of various kinds of music (and well, musicians, a gnarley lot as we all know.:) I attend the Tuesday night celidh much more often than the Saturday Nautical and the Sunday night Old Time, mostly on account of personal schedule. I was hoping to make this Saturday as the last chance to meet Charley, but it's still 95% unlikely at this point on Thursday, stuck here at latitude 47 by out of control circumstances. Another time, another place. I hope the night at Steveston pleasant, the ferry ride to Vancouver Island devoid of disaster. Fair winds-    Carter B

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