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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST, Banjo Johnny Help: Mountain dulcimer history (29) RE: Help: Mountain dulcimer history 07 Aug 00

There were a couple of fellows here in OKC the other night playing mountain dulcimers, and I can tell you they gave a whole new meaning to the instrument. There was none of that slivery thin tinkling I usually hear. These guys look like a couple of truck drivers, and they were in up to their elbows and burning them up. My fingers hurt just watching. One had a sort of figure-8 shape with a rich tone, and the other one was a long fish shape with a bright tone. (The dulcimers, I mean.) Together they had a really GIANT sound. Our whole club thought they were the hit of the show, which was a pretty darn good show anyway. == Johnny in OKC

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