BaC, Most BNP voters are working class city dwellers. Far from being fascists, their background is the labour movement. Their problem is that the current, unprecedented influx of immigrants are here in Britain to cream off Social Security hand-outs. Basic services have not been provided for this flood of people. The existing population find fewer job opportunities, and wages driven down. TRUE British people have lost a sense of belonging in the places they grew up in. Their is no social housing availble for them and rents are driven up. Medical services are overwhelmed and the schools grossly overcrowded with English a minority language. They are not fascist thugs, THEY ARE BRITISH. The major parties just call their legitimate concerns "racism." When the issue of the great BNP successes was debated on Question Time, immigration was the elephant in the room. The only panallist who tried to raise the issue was an economist. The three politicians and the trade unionist just changed the subject and carried on talking about electoral reform, vile fascists etc.