Glad you had a fun evening and connected with so many folks. Aziza really is a lovely singer. She wrote that song. If I have it correctly, inspired by the sea song singout we had at the time of the last (2008) or first (2005) tall ship festival in Victoria. I'd been trying to remember something I wanted to suggest to you and it finally returned with your mention of the micro-film records of the Victoria Times Colonist. The British Colonist, the forerunner of it, published it's digitised version of it's holdings in conjunction with UVic in the last year. There are references to other sources and indexes on its home page. I haven't yet turned up anything useful from it, however did determine the usefulness of the Show button. This allows a quick view of the line in which the search term is included. Maybe those interested will extract something helpful from it at some point. Cheers, JD