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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Patmike Lyr Req: The Banks of the Rhine (Brian O'Rourke) (25) Lyr Add: THE BANKS OF THE RHINE (Brian O'Rourke) 19 Oct 09

I attach the words below.

It is called "The Banks of the Rhine"

It was written by Brian O'Rourke and he did sing it on the Late Late Show. I remember because I suggested that he sing it when he told me he was appearing on the Show but did not know which of his compositions he should sing.

The Banks of the Rhine.

Oh I fell in love last Christmas, in fact three days after Christmas,
Yes, I fell in love last Christmas, over brandy and port wine;
And I kissed my love soon after, amid lots of crack and laughter;
We were swinging from the rafters, to the tune of Aul Lang Syne'.

Oh, I loved her very dearly, so truly and sincerely,
There was no one in this wide world I would sooner have called mine;
So I drew out all my savings, and I splashed out on carnations,
And I made my presentation on the feast of Valentine.

And she looked at them carnations, at them pink and cream carnations,
Yes, she looked at them carnations, bristling like a porcupine;
And she said: "You can stick your oul' carnations, your smell-less, force fed Dutch carnations,
That were dragged up in some greenhouse on the banks of the Rhine.

Oh, you big thick ignorant gobshite, you great double barrelled gobshite,
You all-Ireland champion gobshite, you've no brains, backbone or spine;
Why didn't you pluck me one wild snowdrop, one wild daffodil or snowdrop,
And leave that bunch of weeds to wither on the banks of the Rhine.

And then she took my grand carnations, my lovely pink and cream carnations,
Proofs of my infatuation, that cost me two pounds ninety-nine;
And where she stuck them Dutch carnations, I leave to your imagination,
But our amorous relations entered terminal decline.

On my grave there grows a snowdrop, a wild daffodil and a snowdrop,
And my love sheds the odd teardrop when the day is nice and fine;
And this morning, be the hokey, on my grave she placed a bouquet,
Of carnations cream and rosy from the banks of the Rhine.

Oh, she loves me very dearly, so truly and sincerely,
But 'tis a bit late to be shedding tears now, after treating me like a swine;
And after such humiliation, if I've to face reincarnation,
I'll fall in love with some fair maiden on the banks of the Rhine.

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