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iancarterb Eastman mandolins, anyone tried one? (17) RE: Eastman mandolins, anyone tried one? 31 Oct 09

I play an Eastman 2-point (model 805), the compromise between the A shape and F shape, that I went out of my way buy just before retirement from my day job in '07. I am constantly glad of it. I played all the A and F mandolins they make, and liked all of them, loved the 805. Eastman has made cellos and basses for decades, and you'll hear some at any symphony orchestra performace. They have therefore been making carved top intruments from good wood for low world $ cost for decades. When the Chinese let their currency float they will cost more. I think the ratio of price to Gibson or Collings or the like is 3 or 4 to 1 for similar quality. Lifetime warranty on workmanship - you won't get burned.

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