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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,LynnT Seeking thread: Summer Carmen on YouTube? (4) Summer Carmen on YouTube? 31 Oct 09

When the series of threads on Susan Boyle brewed this past spring, there arose another thread I can no longer find, linking to YouTube videos of other wonderful female singers -- and I thought I had stored that thread, but now I can't find it, when I want to send one of those links to my Mom for her birthday.

It's of a lovely dark-haired woman singing Carmen's "Love is a Rebellious Bird" aria in an outdoor amphitheater while distributing flowers to carefully-chosen men in the audience. Well sung, and a charming presentation (ah, her casual saunter in a fluttering summer dress!) and Mom loves opera.

Can anyone here tell me who the singer was, and point me back at the performance?




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