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Old Timer Chords Req: My Walking Shoes / My Walkin' Shoes (5) Lyr Add: MY WALKING SHOES (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band) 07 May 98

Here you go Mandocookie. Enjoy. I've heard it sung in just about all 36 keys.

As recorded by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on "Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" (1972)

ÇHORUS: My walking shoes don't fit me anymore
My walking shoes don't fit me anymore
Stay on your side of town; honey, I won't be around
My walking shoes don't fit me anymore

1. It's long way from here to over yonder
My feet they're getting mighty sore
I ain't coming back; you've made your mind to wander
My walking shoes don't fit me anymore. CHORUS

2. I'll be a long time gone from you baby
You'll never hear me knock upon your door
I thought you were worth it once but I was crazy
My walking shoes don't fit me anymore. CHORUS

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