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Sarah McQuaid Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song) (33) RE: Tune Req: Sarah Spunda (child's song) 15 Nov 09

I learned it as "Sarasponda" at Lakeside Farm Camp in Michigan in the late 1970s, along with lots of other great "camp songs". There was a great one that went:

One bottle of pop, two bottles of pop
Three bottles of pop, four bottles of pop
Five bottles of pop, six bottles of pop
Seven bottles of pop, stop!

Fish and chips and vinegar
Vinegar, vinegar
Fish and chips and vinegar
Pepper, pepper, pepper, pop!

Don't put your dust in my dustpan
My dustpan, my dustpan
Don't put your dust in my dustpan
My dustpan's full.

Sung as a 3-part round -- each verse has a different melody.

Ah, great days, great days ....

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