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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee (144* d) RE: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee 28 Nov 09

...I tell you what, why don't we all just listen to people like you and ban humour altogether and then no-one can get offended about anything. You mean to tell me you actually left a club early because someone sang an old song (written in a time when people had very different ways of looking at things to what they do today)I quite honestly suggest you grow up and don't take life as seriously as you obviously are doing. A wry comment about someones race doesn't neccesarily make someone a racist, It used to be called a sense of humour, something the folk scene used to be remarkably good at.
Not anymore I suppose with people like you sifting meticulously through the words of old songs for any hint of un political correctness so they can be justifiably offended and damn anyone foolish enough to dare sing them.
And to think a few years ago the folkies used to laugh at the idea of people like Vaughan Williams changing the words of old folk songs so as not to upset Victorian sensibilities!
...Not a lot has changed has it?

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