Ode to-Tweed who~ Tweed Who.... Posted on the 6th of May 2003.. GOD...the BS!! It flows like gray water...it oozeth from the pores of Mudcat like Bufo juice...It responds to probing like a Polka Band on acid... Khandu, you sick fiend what have you done? This is like a black hole sucking BS from all over the galaxy into it. Something should be done...the Renegade Lunatic must be stopped...the BS just keeps pouring in....awful,awful... ~On the second day of conception to this Mother of a thread~
Tweed who... Is none other than....... Coot d'Azure, the Coot d' Fromage, Coot d'Coota, Coot d'GullahGullah, Duc d'Aujus, Coot desCootz, Coot d'Fla and Great State of Dumbass, Duc d'Memchose, Coot d'Zenda,(the ExPaté and exiled)K.O.T.R.O.T., Agricola, Agricolae, Agricolum , and
Sir Tweed FKOTROMAATEBGAP FORMER KNIGHT OB THE REALM OB TUPELO AND ALL THINGS ETHEREAL BOF GOOD AND PURE , F.K.O.T.R.O.T.A.A.T.G.A.P.A.E (Former Knight of the Realm of Tupelo and All Things Good and Pure and Ethereal)
Tweed who... is also.... Tweed EauClaire de la Loon
Tweed Exhorter and Banisher ob Headless Boils
Tweed Webmaster Extraordinaire and PHP Specialist
Tweed Focked Duck de Mizippi
KOTROT and Duc D'Earl
Duckst to Dawn
Tweed Dauphin de Panola
Tweed KOTROT Duc de Mallard
Tweed KOTROT,Duc D'Orangejuz Tweed BlindDuck of Mississippi Tweed, Duck of the Southern Peninsula
Tweed K.O.T.R.O.T. and knower of nothing much at all these days...
Tweed K.O.T.R.O.T.~Pedant de BS
Tweed...or Twandu...whatever, whoever... Tweed Down in the Gutter but Free
The Tweedzer Tweed Who? Hope this helps you Janie! Hello all from Minnesota where the water is icey and noses are drippin' Peace.
Rustic (still nekkid after all these years)