A friend of mine, Rita, is trying to find the origin of a song that she remembers from many years ago, she believes the title is 'It's been a long time, darling' and the lyrics, as best she can remember them are as follows:- VERSE It's been a long time darlin' since I've seen you Been a long time gone from my heart When you left my tears were falling You eternal stranger to my heart CHORUS And the nights are lonlier without you And the days they seem so far apart Been a long time darlin' since I've seen you Been a long time gone from my heart VERSE If I knew then what I know now dear I'd never let you treat me anyway You told me you would never leave me You cheated and now you're gone away. CHORUS VERSE If ever we meet again darlin' Although our love will never be the same There's still an empty spot within my heart (soul?) dear Please don't leave me again. CHORUS Rita lived for many years in Dublin and would have attended many sessions, so she may have heard it 'live' rather than from a record. But she thinks it's probably an American folk song and the use of the word 'Darlin'' would support this. I've already tried Googling some of the lyrics with no luck. Does anyone have any idea of it's origin and whether anybody ever recorded it?