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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,LynnT BS: It's Gonna SNOW In DC!!! (116* d) RE: BS: It's Gonna SNOW In DC!!! 19 Dec 09

Just down the road from you in Lanham, BillD, we've been digging out in intervals all afternoon. Richard has been wearing his French & Indian War woolies out in the snow -- he built a fire out in the back yard by the hedge and hung a small kettle of snow over it to brew tea, brightened with brandy. My hispanic immigrant neighbors have no idea what to make of this. I am of more practical bent; I bought lots of mushrooms and some short ribs at the Korean market yesterday, so we are having mushroom barley soup and cheddar cornbread downstairs by the fireplace. But I just realized - I forgot to put the leeks in the soup! Guess we'll have leeks and potatoes for lunch tomorrow. And I DID get the last of the bulbs in the ground yesterday, including about 150 crocus and scilla as a housewarming gift to an old friend who has just bought a house over on Flower Ave.

Enjoy the enforced peace, y'all!


It's still snowing...

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