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TonyA Lyr Req: Conversation songs between man and woman (70* d) Lyr Add: CONVERSATION (Hunter Moore) 28 Dec 09

As recorded by Hunter Moore on "Conversations" (2001)

Hello, Susan. How's it going?
Fine, Richard. How are you?
Sounds like we've got an ice storm coming.
The last one knocked our power out. It took 3 days before we got it back again.
It wasn't that bad here in town.
How are Beth and both your kids? That son of yours is getting tall, just like you when we were in school. Remember how you used to tease me? It seems to me you kind-of liked me, don't you think? Then later on we ran in different crowds and still it seemed somehow like we were close.
Could've been.
They've changed these aisles around. Did you hear about the Davises?
Sure did.
Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like.... if John and I had moved somewhere else. Like Memphis. Things could have turned out worse, I guess. Did you know I have my degree? In Spanish. Funny. Do you ever think about you and?? Oh, I'm sorry. I've gone and put you on the spot. Sorry.
That's okay.
Be sure and tell Beth that I'll call her. The girls both start Brownies soon.
I'll tell her.
I hope this storm won't hurt the trees the way the last one did. Now, don't you laugh at me. Sometimes I think you think you're different, but you're not. You had some things that didn't go.... like you thought. Goodbye, now, and don't you worry. I won't act like this next time we talk. Must be this weather movin' in. Sometimes I think... the weather's all... that changes here.
That may be. That just may be.
See you soon.

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