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3refs BS: 'The Miracle on Ice' 30yrs later (15) RE: BS: 'The Miracle on Ice' 30yrs later 21 Feb 10

Little Hawk, you must remember we(Canada)didn't send all our best players, just some of them. Howe(smi-retired), Hull(W.H.A.), Orr(injured), Cheevers(W.H.A.) and Sanderson(W.H.A.), just to name a few, didn't play. We thought it would be a nice pleasant exhibition series and we'd kicked their ass! They embarrassed us in the first four games(Maple Leafs Gardens being an exception)! We also discovered just how dirty they were, and make no mistake, they took dirty hockey to a new level!
As for 1980 and the U.S.A. team, it was destiny that brought those players and Herb Brookes together.
So, there I was, celebrating my 22nd birthday on the 24th, cheering for the States to win Olympic Gold in a hockey game

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