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3refs BS: 'The Miracle on Ice' 30yrs later (15) RE: BS: 'The Miracle on Ice' 30yrs later 21 Feb 10

"The skate chopping was dirty, no doubt about that. On the other hand, I think the Canadian team deliberately injured Valery Karlamov to get him out of that series early. That's dirty play too."

I have several different hockey cards, where Bobby Clarke states in a couple of different ways; "Ferguson came storming into the dressing room between periods and ranted that somebody's got to get/stop Kharlamov". " I lifted my head, and realized he was talking directly to me". "I got him", but not because of Ferguson, because he speared me previously in the guts! Then Bill White was kicked hard enough that the skate blade went through the shin pad and cut him(after the Soviet tried to kick him in the nards)! We won't even mention the officiating!

Later when the W.H.A. played them(and got smoked), my cousin punched out one of them during the handshake at the end of the game because he was also kicked!

Not to open a can of worms, but it's for those, and some other reasons, that you'll never get rid of fighting in hockey(or lacrosse for that matter)!d

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