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TonyA TV thing. idle curiosity (23) RE: TV thing. idle curiosity 05 Mar 10

I had the same reaction as the third judge, nearly falling over at that moment. It's not ridicule; laughter comes also from unexpected joy, and that's what I felt at the sudden discovery in that instant of how well she yodels and blends it with the rest of her singing, following just seconds after the similar surprise at how good her singing is. If I'd just heard her and not seen her I probably wouldn't have had the same reaction, but seeing a 12 year old suddenly do that is really shocking. I didn't see any sign that any of the judges had anything but great admiration for her from start to finish.

I'm a little unclear about the title of the YouTube page: "Crazy yodeling." Crazy in the beatnik sense? There's certainly nothing insane, erratic, or unsound about it.

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