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Paco O'Barmy BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING (21) RE: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING 13 Mar 10

Thank the baby Jebus that in my day 'Mickey Mouse' degrees didn't exist! I sometimes wonder if our class system (UK) doesn't have a lot to do with the poor quality of graduates. We seem to have the notion that you HAVE to go to University, and so standards drop to be more inclusive, and that trades are somewhat demeaning.
               Every year I have an undergrduate attached to me for their practical year (Architecture) and I have to say the standard in my field hasn't dropped. There is a simple reason for this, Architecture students are subject to three montly 'phase tests', fail them, and you're out.On my own course the forty that started where quickly whittled down to twelve.
               Having said all that, My eldest daughter obtained TWELVE O levels, and my youngest got FOURTEEN O levels. OK, they ain't dumb, but that level of attainment should be impossible!

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