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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
3refs BS: G8 in Huntsville, Ontario. Canada (19) BS: G8 in Huntsville, Ontario. Canada 04 Apr 10

What a freakin calamity!
A few years back, Pope John Paul 11 spent some time here in Orillia at an island cottage on Lake Simcoe that was within eyesight from shore. It was in conjunction with World Youth Day that was held in Toronto. I couldn't believe the security. On the day he was to travel to the event, they had either the police(from all over Ontario) or the Armed Forces at every intersection from here to Toronto so the motorcade could travel without any hassles. As it turns out, he wasn't even in the motorcade, he was in a helicopter flying over the same route. I found this out by asking a local O.P.P. I knew, who was sitting on his motorcycle just down the street from where I live. The motorcade was in case the helicopter had to make an emergency landing.
Now with this G8 summit coming to Huntsville June 25-26, which is less than an hour north of here, I've been noticing, and hearing, about the security for this event. So I Google up G8 and come up with a big "Wholly Shite". I have nothing to protest about(well, not much)so I've decided to see what I can come up with to just "piss em off a bit" and not get myself arrested!

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