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deepdoc1 Great folk song lyrics (122* d) RE: Great folk song lyrics 08 Apr 10

Holy crap! Where to start? That's like asking which breath I liked best out of a lifetime of breathing. Like you said, a main strength of this music is the story, or the glimpse into a soul (of course a good tune doesn't hurt). (I also like the Stan Rogers you gave.)Well, here's one or two:

Gordon Bok, Old Fat Boat

Well, mercy, mercy, I do declare,
If half the fun of going is getting there,
Mercy, Percy, you better start rowing,
'Cause the other half of getting there is going.

Greg Brown, impossible to limit to just a few:


Oooo-ee, ain't the mornin' light pretty,
When the dew is still heavy, so bright and early.
My home on the range; it's a one-horse town,
And it's alright with me.

Guy Clark, (also impossible to narrow too much) Step Inside This House:

Step inside this house girl
I'll sing for you a song
I'll tell you 'bout just where I've been
It shouldn't take too long
I'll show you all the things that I own
My treasures you might say
Couldn't be more than ten dollars worth
They brighten up my day

Annette Bjergfeldt, Boo Hewerdine,
Footsteps Fall
Sung by Maura O'Connell:

And the loneliest sound of all
Is the sound of love through a stranger's wall
But when their laughter fades
And there are no more words
The silence breaks me most of all

The list goes on. My clicker is tired now.


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