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Rana who SHOULD be working Matty Groves - who's the 'baddy'? (182* d) RE: Matty Groves - who's the 'baddy'? 31 Aug 00

This was posted in a thread a month or so ago on UK.Music.Folk entitled "Bad Examples in Folk Songs". Amongst other gems it had this appropriate advice for this thread.

When the husband of the woman you are sleeping with arrives unexpectedly to find you both in his bed in the morning, be sure to greet him with: It's fine I like your feather bed, and fine I like your sheets But better I like your lady gay that lies in my arms asleep... A word of caution - on most occasions he won't have two beaten swords in his scabbard, only one. This does change the odds. There is also some chance that he may not be bothered in the slightest if all England knows he killed a naked man.


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