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GUEST,Vicki Lyr Add: I May Not Pass This Way Again (McKuen) (60* d) RE: Lyr Add: I May Not Pass This Way Again (McKuen) 18 May 10

These postings, as old as they may be, have been a blessing. I have been looking for these lyrics since I started teaching elementary general music back in 1999. My old music teacher told me he couldn't remember what book it was from, but thought it was in an old Silver Burdett book. I have had my 2nd graders perform 2 verses of this song with the lyrics that I recalled in addition to me playing strictly chords on the piano. I would love to get my hands on one of these books mentioned. I couldn't get any of the links to work except for the one that says google books. However, I'm very grateful to at least have the lyrics now. Yeah!

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