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GUEST,Gene Burton New website (Gene Burton) (2) New website (Gene Burton) 21 May 10

Hi all-

Just to let you know that following feedback from a number of listeners that myspace has gone a bit rubbish, and my own gripes that I could only get 10 tracks up there; Trevor at the Foc's'le FC, Southampton, has very kindly given up several hours of his life to set up a new web page for me which is free from the annoying pop-up ads, and hopefully with tracks more easily downloadable than before. All 12 tracks from the new album are up there and free to download; if feasible I hope to get other, earlier tracks on there at some point in the future as well, so keep an eye on it. All going well this site will supersede the myspace, which will fade into obsolescence. Web address is

While you're there, check out the Foc'sle Folk Club's main web page for events/programme etc; it is probably the best folk club known to me in that part of the world, boasts a first-class selection of featured guest artists and a sympathetic venue with fine ales and good acoustics. A must-visit if you're a resident or visitor to the English south coast.

Kind Regards,

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