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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
deepdoc1 what is the Folk Process (35) RE: what is the Folk Process 31 May 10

While trying to define the process may segue into academia or pedantry, the process itself seems to me to be exactly the opposite. The current thread (and the previous ones) about the Dogs Meeting illustrates it to me when I see a song with many slightly different versions and tunes. Another is what I have called the Cabbage Head song, or the 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 Drunken Nights, or whatever. Everyone who hears a song will filter it through their own experience, and if you don't have some sort of recording device or pornographic memory, you will not recall every bit of the song. Some of yourself will most likely end up in your version. As it should be. But please feel free to see it differently if you wish...:) My magnanimosity is legendish.

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