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deepdoc1 BS: Dangerous Dogs ... Time to wake up ... (213* d) RE: BS: Dangerous Dogs ... Time to wake up ... 01 Jun 10

I'm a dog person. I have a 14 yo German Shepherd named Sam. His temperament is similar to Joe's Shite Zoo's (grin) in that he will bark frenziedly at the window at any threat real or imagined, but once in the door he's your good buddy. I remember when he was much younger watching Sam with my granddaughter, bottle in one hand, other arm across Sam's back (her head reached to about his back level), being properly escorted about the 'castle'. And yet, no matter how much I love my dog, he's still a dog. When confronted by a situation which seems to require a response, he will invariably respond as a dog, without reflection or reason, within the general confines of his personality. Sam never leaves the front door without being on a leash due to a penchant for chasing anything that moves, regardless of size difference.   He has never bitten anything but his dinner. I never take him for a walk without carrying a stout cane due to the ability of otherwise sane people (I may be too charitable) to rationalize that it's ok to let their dogs off the leash while out on the trail. So far I've been fortunate not to have had to harshly deal with bad-mannered dogs, but have had words with ignorant owners.

So anyway, as I wander around to my point eventually, this thread got me wondering what is the actual toll taken by dogs. A casual Google found Releases 3-Year Fatality Study: U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities January 2006 to December 2008 - 88 deaths in three years from dog attacks.

Lest someone fly into a rage that I might think 88 deaths is acceptable, I don't.

In a fit of perspective, I discovered that 716 bicyclists died on US roads in 2008 (698 in 2007, 1,003 in 1975) and that even when chained a dog can kill or maim. From Selected Causes of Death, Ages 0-19, per 100,000 Population (2006), dogs didn't make the list. Turns out that cribs kill kids. Pools and spas kill kids. Falls, scissors, outlets, ice, kid's drugs, plastic bags, and way too many other everyday items kill kids. When I see that 20 - 30 kids are killed by dogs in a three year period, I think we dog owners are one of the least threats to the continuation of our species. I refuse to lump myself and the vast majority of responsible, attentive, caring dog owners in with the scurrilous bastards that create situations in which dogs can wreak a terrible havoc.

Every case of a dog attack on a child (or anyone else) evokes extreme emotion, but I do not want to give that emotion undue power; I will continue to at least try to evaluate a situation and respond appropriately, and do what needs to be done. If an owner is criminally negligent or abusive, I would absolutely favor jail time, just as I would favor jail for a drunk driver. I believe that most of the dogs involved in attacks could be rescued and rehabilitated by the right people, but the rat bastard owners probably can't.

If you own a dog, treat it right, exercise due diligence, and enjoy your good buddy.

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