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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Geoff the Duck Battle of Bosworth Field (Dick Miles) (36) RE: Battle of Bosworth Field (Dick Miles) 17 Jun 10

Sminky - I understand your point. I walked the Bosworth site around 18 years back, and was impressed by the way they had placed info boards, so you were looking at a drawing of the view you saw in the real world, but as it might have looked at the earlier date. It made the descriptions of the sequence of events feel much more real and immediate. It is a shame that someone now is trying to prove that the actual location of the battle was somewhere else (it seems that everything historical has been discovered now and the only way archaeologists can make their name is to disprove things earlier ones had published).
That said, I don't recall anyone taking money off me, so grounds for a refund may be thin. I suggest you stand in a Leicestershire field and complain freely...

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