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3refs BS: Motocycle advise (125* d) RE: BS: Motocycle advise 19 Jun 10

By the Harley, but put it up and grab yourself something small to learn on. Head for the bush and learn how to fall off! The best advise I could give you is consciously stay out of cars blind spots!

I've owned lots of bikes over the years. I learned to ride on a 1967 150 Suzuki, my brothers. Then he got a old Harley 45. Then we both owned a bunch more Harleys. I just got rid of my last bike, a 1979 Kawasaki 750 LTD, I traded a 1980 Trans Am for it(gave it to my son-in-law....and I do like him). Brother rides nothing but Beemers now. Vancouver will do that to you. His finest ride was a 1957 Vincent Black Shadow and if he owned it today, it would be worth about $100,000. One of the fastest bikes I've ever been on.

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