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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
buddhuu Lyr Add: Maloney Wants a Drink (Behan) (51* d) RE: Lyr Add: Maloney Wants a Drink (Behan) 28 Jun 10

Pardon me dredging this up. I just encountered this thread while wandering through the dusty corridors of Mudcat.

In the original post, the third verse of 'Maloney Wants a Drink' is rendered thus:

Salome danced for Paddy, taking off her 7 veils.
"Salome," said Maloney, "That's a trick that never fails."
Maloney put Salome's only clothing in a sack.
"I'll run along down to the pawn and bring your bundle back!" CHORUS

I may be mistaken, but I always knew the last line of that verse as:

"I'll run along down to the pawn and bring a bottle back!" CHORUS

Which makes far more sense in context.

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