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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
buddhuu Does Religion Deny Music to Children? (291* d) RE: Religion denies music to children. 02 Jul 10

Tragic, but different people see things in different ways.

On the whole, I'm with Dawkins that there is no such thing as a Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Hindu etc child. The kids are fine until the adults start the mindwarp on them.

I wouldn't like to see this get into more anti-Muslim sh*t. Some Christians and Jews have had problems with music and dancing - especially jazz and rock and roll.

To me, most religions seem equally dishonest, arrogant and frankly offensive to one or another degree. In fact, Sikhism is the only religion to which I am regularly exposed that seems to retain some core values that have not been thoroughly twisted to suit the agendas of an elite.

It is hard to know what can be done. It is like so many other ways that one may disapprove of how people raise their kids. You can't always convince them that you know better.

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