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buddhuu Does Religion Deny Music to Children? (291* d) RE: Religion denies music to children? 02 Jul 10

"You make it sound as if I was making it up."

I disagree. I'd been hoping to limit my contribution to comment on the situation reported, but you seem to be objecting to (while explicitly accepting) fair criticism of your original post.

The substance of your original post was poorly presented and misleading. It was factually inaccurate in a way that could be seen as sensationalist.

With the exception of Lox's line, The self styled impartial fact providing objective observer nails his colours to the mast with ever more narrow minded and highly opinionated bombast, I consider that all criticism has been reasonable and measured. None of it makes it sound as if you were making it up, just that your judgment at the time of composing the OP left room for improvement.

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