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GUEST,guest, kiran Jacomo finane? What does that mean?-Iko Iko (179* d) RE: Jacomo finane? What does that mean? 07 Jul 10

Yanne ...

came to read this thread after watching Treme on HBO. And just back from France, where I was told San Giacomo = St Joseph, and picked up a little French. So when I got to your AMAZING and lucid post of 10 Feb it made sense of the whole deal and really resonated with me, except at the end I was thinking, if Giacomo = Joseph, then "Jacomo gave life to our King" could be a reference to Joseph and Jesus -- "Joseph gave life to our King (Jesus)". Catholic faith/ritual/genealogy was a big part of the mix in Creolean life, right? And the other day the tribes parade is St. Joseph's Day...

But, then, so, I'm confused by your 5 March post in which you say it's not Creole it's a Choctaw, Houma and Chickasaw greeting. Did you read something more that changed your mind?


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