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GUEST,Greg Laxton Who knows 'Greasy Medlin?' (29) RE: Who knows 'Greasy Medlin?' 25 Jul 10

I came across Greasy in a rather odd way. I purchased a lot of old reel to reel tapes. Many of these contained a group called The Partyliners. One of the names on the box was Greasy.

A short search of the Internet and lots turned up. Found a few old pics as well of Greasy in blackface.

A relative of Greasy's posted on this list and if they would get in touch I'll be glad to forward what I have for the family.

The Partyliners played red-hot western swing. I have one live tape recorded an an Officer's Club on a base in SC (if I recall correctly, been a while since I listened to the tape). Greasy does vocals on a song called "Rain".

Written on the box was the name of another band member who went on to fame and fourtune. Bunky Keels played piano in The Partyliners. He later went on to be a member of Jim Reeves Blue Boys and did session work for just about everyone who played country music in the 60s and 70s.

The drummer of the band played for a short bit with Jim Ed Brown as well. Really great stuff!

Greg Laxton

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