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GUEST,RLD Lyr Add: Spider's Web (60* d) RE: Lyr Add: Spider's Web 05 Aug 10

When I learned this song (church camp) the chorus had 2 parts. The one already posted and then the one I've posted; sung as a harmony (sorry no sound) I'll attempt to show how they overlapped with sort of basic progression on a piano. I would also add they we didn't sing this slow like versions I've heard online. I never considered it a lullaby because of the speed.

There's a we------b                THERE'S A WEB LIKE A SPIDERS WEB
Like a spiders we---b             MADE OF SILVER LIGHT AND SHADOW
Spun by the moon in my room at night (SAME)
it's a we--------b                   IT'S A WEB MADE TO CATCH A DREAM
made to catch a drea--m            AND HOLD IT FAST IT I AWAKEN
As if to tell me my dreams are alright. (SAME)

On a piano I figured it out to be A1=lower octave A = an octave up from A1

there's   a       web
A1       A1       A

Like a   spider's   web
A    A    B          A

Spun by the moon in my room at night
F#    F# G   A   A   A G    G A

It's a   web
A1    A1   A

Made to catch a dream
A    B   A   G F#

As if to tell me my dreams are al--right
F# F# G A   A A   G    G   A G F#

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