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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Kent Davis BS: Entropian (lower lid) Eye Surgery (12) RE: BS: Entropian (lower lid) Eye Surgery 06 Aug 10

There is no need for this procedure to be done by a sub-sub-specialist ophthalmic plastic surgeon. An ordinary ophthalmologist can do it. Not all of them do it, of course. Mine does, and she does an excellent job. (I have referred many patients to her and they have been well pleased.) She is Brenda Jones, M.D., in Marietta, Ohio, and her office phone number is (740)373-8046.

Here is some information on entropian from emedicine, a well-respected source for medical information:

There are different types of surgery for entropian and, of course, I do not know which type your wife needs, nor what complicating factors may apply in her case, so I couldn't say whether or not she truly needs general anesthesia. However, if her surgeon can't give a good reason for requiring general anesthesia, she should see a different surgeon.

Kent Davis

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