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GUEST,Seabow Morning Sing Graduate Lyr Req: Suitors (O Le Le O Bahia) (trad. Brazil) (34) RE: Lyr Req: Suitors (O Le Le O Bahia) (trad. Brazil) 17 Aug 10

Hello Old Camp Fire Girls!
    What a song! I can vaguely remember some of the lyrics, but what was the tune??
    I too have tried to find out exactly what happened to Seabow, and attended from about 1961 - 1970. I can't even find anything out about old Camp Fire groups in my former town - it seems that the headquarters in Richmond, on Nevin, where we set off to camp on those old yellow school buses, no longer exists, and so I surmise that there are now no more Camp Fire girls in the whole of Contra Costa County - and that that's been the case for years & years.
    Would anybody like to start on gathering up old Seabow songs and see what happens? I've often daydreamed about setting up a website on Seabow, complete with song lyrics and tunes, maps, old timetables, photos and anecdotes - as I'm sure someone else could do it better than me, I've never pursued the idea.

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