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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
leeneia2 BS: Too old to rock? (13) RE: BS: Too old to rock? 19 Aug 10

There's a Dutch proverb that says "The tall tree catches the wind."

It means that a person who's famous or important becomes the target of gossip and innuendo. We would call it 'hot air'. And that's what is going on with Roger's list.

Some no-talent nobody is jealous that somebody else is on stage. In this case the notable person happens to be older.

If the person onstage is a different race, gender, or nationality, from the no-talent nobody, the wisecracks will be adjusted to suit.
One day, when my mother was about 75, she said to me, "What you see is not who I really am. Inside of me is an 18-year-old girl." I feel the same way myself. Especially when I pick up an instrument.

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