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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
leeneia2 BS: 10 year old rapists get coddled (89* d) RE: BS: 10 year old rapists get coddled 21 Aug 10

There are three little words that would bring people so much peace of mond, if they would only use them. Not 'I love you,' but 'I don't know.'

Have these boys been sexually abused? Beaten? Given drugs?

I don't know.

Have they been exposed to pornography, perhaps every day?

I don't know.

Are they retarded? Brain damaged?

I don't know.

Do they have a stable family? Attend school? Are they being bounced from one dysfunctional household to another? Or are they basically trying to raise themselves on the street?

I don't know.

None of us know. So given all that, why are we joining the wrangle and raising our blood pressure?

I don't know.

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