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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
leeneia2 BS: Entertain your Dachshund! (32) RE: BS: Entertain your Dachshund! 21 Aug 10

"Pity the neighbors.."

I know what you mean, DD. I really resent noise which invades my house and interferes with music, etc. But in this case, I would know that there's a reason (for fun and to give the dogs exercise.) I would also know that it would end sometime soon.

It's when a dog is left out in the yard and barks with no end in sight that I get angry.

The people next door to me had a dachshund. They would put her outside to pooh, start watching TV, and forget all about her. I'm convinced she was afraid to be out alone. She was small and had an injured back. Two great big dogs, not pals with her, lived next door to her. She would bark and bark at the back door, and ...

You get the idea.

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