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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
leeneia2 BS: The Mudcat 10 commandments (92* d) RE: BS: The Mudcat 10 commandments 21 Aug 10

I'm tired of the 'ten commandments format'. Here are a few thoughts of my own.

If someone posts something you appreciate, such as a tune, lyrics, link or history, thank the person, by name if possible.

I love 'do not feed the trolls.' Good one.

(Sad to say, I have discovered that one good way to stop a wrangle is to post something which involves leaving the computer and actually making some music. Amazing how many people flee the prospect of making a real effort.)

Here are two thoughts for dealing with unpleasant threads:

Calculate the time when the post was made. For example, if it was after the bars close in the UK, tell yourself that the poster is probably just full of beer and will be saner in the morning.

Keep in mind that some people just want somebody to talk to, but don't know how to go about starting a conversation in a gracious manner. See if you can be artful in dealing with them.

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