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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
leeneia2 Tune Add: dacw fuwch - Welsh dance tune (5) Tune Add: dacw fuwch - Welsh dance tune 26 Aug 10

Guest LDT asked to hear a MIDI for Dacw Fuwch! (Look, a cow!). I have asked Joe to post it here. If Joe is available, it should appear soon. You will hear the tune itself, then a delectable chiming of cowbells, then the tune again with harmony.

The original was 14 measures long, with a pick-up note of one-eighth note out front. Don't ask me why it's not the standard 16 measures. Probably the cow was spotted by a small child on a train and it went by really fast.

Here are the chords. Note that the same notes may have different chords the second time.

1. Pick-up note. One eighth, no chord
2. G
3. G
3. C - D (but I prefer Am)
4. G
5. Em
6. Bm
7. Am - D
8. G
9. C
13.Am - D

No repeats are shown. Source: a friend of mine brought it home from a workshop in 1994. Probably Welsh Heritage Week. It's a photocopy from a publication, not a hand-written piece.

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